Description Auditor Documentation

Keyword Absence

Research relevant keywords: Use a tool like Google’s Keyword Planner or EtsyRank to research relevant keywords for your listing. Look for keywords that are frequently searched and relevant to your product.

Incorporate keywords into your Description: Once you have identified the relevant keywords, incorporate them into your listing Description. Make sure the Description still sounds natural and appealing to potential customers.

Prioritize the most important keywords: Place the most important keywords at the beginning of the Description, as this is the most visible part of the Description on search result pages.

Use long-tail keywords: Consider using long-tail keywords, which are more specific phrases that may have less competition than more general keywords. For example, instead of “necklace,” you could use “handmade silver necklace with gemstone pendant.”

Test and refine: Monitor your listings’ performance and adjust the Descriptions as needed to improve their visibility and click-through rates.

Keyword Placement

Ensure the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the listing Description.

Start with the most important keywords, place the most important and relevant keywords at the beginning of your Description. This will help improve the visibility of your listing and increase the chances of it being found by potential customers.

Description is too short

Ensure the Description is at least 80 characters long, as Descriptions that are too short may not provide enough information to potential customers.

When it comes to Etsy’s search algorithm, the length of your Description matters. Etsy’s best practices suggest using Descriptions that are at least 80 characters long to maximize search visibility.

To ensure that your Description is at least 80 characters long, consider including additional relevant keywords and phrases that describe your item in more detail. However, avoid stuffing your Description with irrelevant keywords or phrases, as this may negatively impact your search ranking.

Here are some tips to help you optimize your Description length:

Use specific and relevant keywords to describe your item.

Add any unique attributes or characteristics of your item that buyers may be searching for.

Avoid unnecessary words or phrases that don’t add value to your Description.

Use proper grammar and punctuation to make your Description more readable.

Description is too long

Keep the Description within 102,400 characters, as Etsy only allows a maximum of 102,400 characters in a Description.

Focus on the most important keywords: Make sure the most important keywords are included within the first 40-70 characters of your Description, as this is what will be visible in search results. This will help your listing appear more relevant to potential buyers.

Be concise: Try to keep your Description as concise as possible while still including all relevant information. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases that don’t add value to your Description.

Use abbreviations or symbols: Consider using abbreviations or symbols to save character space. For example, use “&” instead of “and” or “w/” instead of “with.”

Keyword Repetition

Keyword repetition is important for SEO. Here are some tips for optimizing keyword repetition in your Description.

Consider including the keyphrase more than once in the Description.

Use proper capitalization

Capitalize the first letter of each word in the Description, including keywords, to make the Description easier to read. Avoid using all caps, symbols, and excessive punctuation: Descriptions written in all caps, symbols.

Proper capitalization in your Description is important for both readability and aesthetics. It helps your Description stand out and appear more professional. Here are some tips to ensure proper capitalization in your Description:

Capitalize the first letter of each word: This is the standard convention for Description case capitalization. For example, instead of writing “handmade jewelry”, write “Handmade Jewelry”.

Capitalize proper nouns: Proper nouns refer to specific people, places, or things, and should always be capitalized. For example, if you’re selling jewelry inspired by a particular city, capitalize the city name: “Parisian Inspired Earrings”.

Don’t capitalize prepositions, conjunctions, or articles: Words like “and”, “the”, “of”, and “in” should not be capitalized unless they are the first word in the Description. For example, write “Vintage Earrings Made of Brass and Copper”, not “Vintage Earrings Made Of Brass And Copper”.

Follow the rules of your language: Different languages have different capitalization rules, so make sure you’re following the appropriate conventions for your target audience.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your Description has proper capitalization and appears professional and easy to read.

Be specific

Use specific product details such as color, material, size, and style to help potential customers better understand what they are buying.

Being specific in your Etsy Description is important to ensure that your item is found by the right customers who are searching for exactly what you are offering.

Example of the keyword that can be used for specification:

wood, metal, glass, fabric, leather, resin, plastic, stone, clay, paper, silicone, width, height, circumference, vintage, bohemian, modern, minimalist..

Use descriptive words: Include words that accurately describe your item, such as the color, size, material, and style.

Use specific terms: If your item has a specific feature, such as being handmade, organic, or vegan, include those terms in your Description.

Avoid generalizations: Avoid using broad terms like “jewelry” or “accessories” in your Description. Instead, be more specific about the type of jewelry or accessory you are selling, such as “handmade silver earrings” or “vintage leather purse.”

Consider your target audience: Think about who your target audience is and what keywords they might be using to search for items like yours. Use those keywords in your Description to help your item show up in search results.

Use numbers and quantities: If your item comes in a set or package, include the quantity in the Description. For example, “Set of 4 Handmade Ceramic Mugs.”

Be descriptive

Use descriptive language to help potential customers envision what they will receive. For example, instead of simply saying ‘necklace,’ you could say ‘handmade silver infinity necklace’.

Example of the keyword that can be used for descriptive:

handmade, one-of-a-kind, unique, customizable, personalized, engraved, embroidered, hand-stitched, hand-painted, hand-dyed, bespoke, vintage-inspired, rustic, distressed, antique-style, modern, minimalist, chic, new, elegant, timeless, artistic, original, creatively designed..

Being descriptive in your Description is important to give potential customers an idea of what your product is and what it offers. Here are some tips to be more descriptive:

Use adjectives: Adjectives can help describe the product and make it more appealing to potential customers. For example, instead of “Blue Shirt,” you can use “Soft and comfortable blue shirt.”

Highlight features: Mentioning the unique features of your product can help it stand out. For example, if you’re selling a camera, you could mention that it has a high-resolution lens or a large LCD screen.

Include size or dimensions: If you’re selling a physical product, including the size or dimensions can be helpful for customers. For example, if you’re selling a piece of furniture, including the dimensions can help customers determine if it will fit in their space.

Use specific terms: Avoid using generic terms and instead, use specific terms that accurately describe your product. For example, instead of “shirt,” use “t-shirt” or “button-up shirt.”

Highlight the benefits: Including the benefits of your product can help convince potential customers to make a purchase. For example, if you’re selling a fitness program, you could mention that it helps customers lose weight or build muscle.

Make it Appealing

Use attention-grabbing words and phrases to make your listing stand out.

Examples of the keywords that can be used to catch the attention

new, must-have, best, stunning, gorgeous, exquisite, luxurious, fabulous, wonderful, glorious, amazing, elegant, incredible, unbelievable, breathtaking, majestic, spectacular, stupendous, superb, awesome, remarkable, impressive, fantastic, extraordinary, phenomenal, miraculous, marvelous, splendid, magnificent, beautiful, striking, charming, captivating, intriguing..

Making your Description appealing is an important aspect of creating a listing that will catch the attention of potential buyers. Here are some tips for making your Description more appealing:

Use descriptive words: Using words that evoke emotions and imagery can help make your Description more appealing. For example, instead of simply stating “handmade soap,” you could say “luxurious, all-natural handmade soap.”

Highlight unique features: If your product has a unique feature or quality, make sure to highlight it in your Description. For example, if you’re selling a phone case with a built-in battery, you could say “Sleek iPhone case with extended battery life.”

Use persuasive language: Using words like “limited edition,” “exclusive,” or “must-have” can create a sense of urgency and persuade potential buyers to click on your listing.

Consider your target audience: Think about the interests and values of your target audience and use language that will resonate with them. For example, if you’re selling eco-friendly products, use language that emphasizes sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Overall, the goal is to create a Description that not only accurately describes your product, but also catches the attention of potential buyers and makes them want to learn more.

Avoid Using Symbols

Descriptions that contain symbols can be difficult to read and may not be taken seriously by potential customers. If you need to separate phrases, use commas (,) instead.

Using symbols in your Etsy Description can sometimes lead to confusion or make it difficult for potential buyers to find your listing. It’s best to avoid using symbols such as @, #, %, and so on. Instead, try to use clear and concise language that accurately describes your product.

For example, instead of using “Amazing! @Handmade #Bracelet %50 off!!” you could use “Handmade Beaded Bracelet – 50% Off Sale”. This Description still includes important keywords and information about the product, but without the use of unnecessary symbols that may confuse potential customers.

Keyword Overuse

Keyword repetition is important for SEO, but overusing a keyword in a Description can actually hurt your ranking.

Here are some tips for optimizing keyword repetition in your Description:

Use the keyword at the beginning of the Description: Placing the keyword at the beginning of the Description helps search engines understand the focus of the listing.

Use variations of the keyword: Instead of repeating the same exact keyword multiple times, use variations of the keyword. For example, if your main keyword is “vintage earrings,” you can use variations like “retro earrings,” “antique earrings,” or “old-fashioned earrings.”

Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are phrases that are more specific and have less competition. Including long-tail keywords in your Description can help you rank higher for those specific search terms.

Don’t stuff keywords: Overusing keywords in the Description can look spammy and hurt your ranking. Keep the Description readable and natural-sounding, and use keywords only where they fit naturally.

Description Clarity

If the Description is not specific enough, you may want to consider adding more details about the product or service. This can help potential customers better understand what you are offering and why they should choose your product over others.

You can also try to highlight the unique features or benefits of your product, and explain how it can solve a problem or meet a need for the customer. It’s important to make sure that your Description is clear, concise, and easy to read.

You may also want to consider using bullet points or numbered lists to break up long paragraphs and make the information easier to digest. Additionally, including high-quality product images can help to enhance the Description and give customers a better idea of what they can expect.

Finally, it’s always a good idea to have someone else review your Description to make sure that it makes sense and effectively communicates the value of your product or service.